Vantage International Kindergarten

Class room policies
Classes are split into two groups that will each attend lessons half the week to ensure their desks are far enough apart.
Strict measures are in place including temperature taking often.
Mask need to wear masks and gloves
Social distancing during playground, Classroom, and pantry
The students need to disinfect their shoes before they enter the campus
Windows are also kept open so fresh air can come in
Each class has a new sanitary monitor with a stand-alone attendee whose responsibility is to disinfect the classroom.
From doorknobs to desktops, the sanitary monitors are in charge of keeping the classroom clean.
The teachers also need to use hand sanitizer while using computer /monitor /screen /markers and not to touch one another at school
Rules to Prevent COVID 19
a Prevention
1. HANDS wash them often
2. ELBOW cough into it
3. FACE don’t touch
4. SPACE keep distance
5. SICK call ahead
b, Early detection
Fever, tiredness, dry cough, aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, or sore throat.
c, Clinically Management
Right medication at the right time
Regulations to Prevent COVID 19
Keep social distancing
Wear face mask
Wear hand gloves
Use sanitizer regularly
Cough or sneezing use tissue paper or your elbow
Wash your hands properly
Maintain personal hygiene
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